Monday, September 23, 2013

Let America Be America Again - Critical Discourse Questions

Due 9/24 - -
Here is the Link to the poem:

Does the use of power reinforce or destroy stereotypes? How, specifically?

•Who is given power? How do you know?

•What power relations are being negotiated? Explicit and implicit: expose all relations?

•What is the speaker’s perspective? What is his attitude in relation to his subject?

•Who is the intended audience?

•What perspectives are marginalized or devalued in the text?

•Does this text position the reader as in insider or outsider? How do you know?

•What voices are not heard? How could this be important?

•What moral lessons does the text support?

•How does the text push you to interpret it a particular way?

How do the various italicized words and phrases create meaning?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Homwwork due 9/19: Reflection

Compose a reflection on the timed writing. Where do you feel you were successful and where did you struggle? What SKILLS do you believe you need to develop in order to be successful on the next TW?

Please leave your reflections in the comment box below with your name and class period.

Monday, September 9, 2013

2nd / 3rd period reading assignment 9/9

Here is the link to "Araby".

Please use the text to answer the following questions:

1)Describe what you consider you be the story's main idea.

2) Consider the attitude of the speaker toward his home as indicated in the first paragraph. Why do you think the speaker uses the word "blind"  to describe the dead end street? What relationship exists between the speaker's pain at the end of the story to the ideas in the 1st paragraph?

1st period assignment

Here's the link to "The Horse Dealer's Daughter" text. Please finish reading the text, then answer the  following questions:

What do Mabel and Fergusson realize as he revives and warms her? How do their responses signify their growth as characters?

Why does the narrator tell us at the story's end that Fergusson "had no intention of of loving" Mabel? What idea does this repeated assertion convey?

Don't forget to make notes about POV, character, setting, plot, and theme as you read. Make a note of the things that stand out.