Monday, February 5, 2018

Antigone Socratic Seminar Prep Due (02/08 B or 02/09A)

Complete the Following with your group partners. 


You must EACH have your own copy, so you will need to share the document you are working with.


I will check your work during and after class to assess: 1) how you worked as a group and 2 ) how much you accomplished in class.


The Seminars are Thursday and Friday this week February 08 and 09.


You may download and type into the document from the following link: Socratic Seminar Prep

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Antigone Reading - for 02/05 (B) and 02/06 (A)

Reading - Antigone

Finish Play and complete reading questions through the end of the guided reading packet.

Antigone Minds Assignment - Project Grade - Due 02/05

Antigone Minds Assignment - Project Grade - Due 02/05

Assignment:  Antigone Mind Maps.
You are to use the STEAL method to determine the internal minds/character of Antigone,  Ismene,  Creon, and Haimon.
THEN – Create a graphic representation of their internal mind that reflects these traits.
These maps should be a visual representation of their thinking, their motivations, and their character. All Character traits should be supported with evidence from the text.  
Each Representation of the Each Character’s Mind should include
  1. Character Traits
  2. Quotes that correspond with that trait (documented by scene and line number).
  3. A Graphic representation of their  thinking.
Due 02/05