Tuesday, September 23, 2014

PreAP Harlem Renaissance Assignment

You can find some general info at Overview For Art will you will need to travel to Rhapsodies in Black. This video will be a useful introduction:Harlem Renaissance. 
Here are some more links that may help:
Art and Artists
Music +

The  last link is useful for subjects, but is blocked at school by a filter, so watch it at home.

Assignment: Due Thursday 9/25
Students are to come to class with a Harlem Renaissance portfolio. Your portfolio should include:
A written explanation in your own words of what the Harlem Renaissance was and why its important.
Include major philosophical ideas.
Three poets (names, dates, significance), one must be female, and one printed poem (that you like) of one of these poets' work to read and share.
Three artists (names, dates, significance) and one printed example of one artist's work.
Three musicians, singers, and or composers who were part of the Harlem Renaissance (names, dates, significant contribution, important works).
One modern example of something influenced by the Harlem Renaissance.
Explain why American society should care about the Harlem Renaissance today.

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