Thursday, August 31, 2017

Homework for "The Lottery" 1st Period (due 9/1), 8th Period (due 9/5)

"The Lottery"

Please complete your reading of the "Lottery"as follows:

1. Read the story all the way through and annotate as you go with the following thinking notes:

! -  I love this part 
? -  Raises a question for possible class discussion
?? - Something is unclear or confusing to me

Don't Forget to Highlight or Underline the specific passage for the note.

2.  Answer Questions 1,2, and 3 at the end of the story.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

PreAP English 2 8th period


In "What We Want," (The New York Review of Books, Vol. 7 (September 22, 1966), pp. 5-6, 8.) Stokely Carmichael wrote: 


"For racism to die, a totally different America must be born."  




"The reality is that this nation, from top to bottom, is racist; that racism is not primarily a problem of ''human relations" but of an exploitation maintained, either actively or through silence, by the society as a whole." 


Think carefully about these quotes and  about what you think Carmichael is saying about America and Americans, then choose one to either defend or argue against in a one page response. You are encouraged to use your own experiences to support your answer because your experiences are valid data for writing.