Friday, April 29, 2016

Julius Caesar Act One for 5/2 Quiz at beginning of class

Watch Julius Caesar 

Act One: Watch Here up to 33:30

Then Compose a Critique: Do you think Caesar is as bad a character as he is depicted by others (particularly Cassius) in Act One? Cite three pieces of evidence to support your position.

The Text is HERE

I've also Put a PDF of the text in the Dropbox and in DRIVE

The PDF is "live", so you can click on a scene and the text will move directly there. You can also watch and follow side by side - and note line numbers that you can return to for claims and/or supporting evidence

Monday, April 25, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Invisibility Project

 Think about the world you live in, to what extent are you invisible?

Create a Monologue of one page in length, poetry or prose, that explores this idea creatively. 

Your final version for Friday should be 1-2 minutes

1) Multimedia, so it must have music and images (photos, art,video) that effectively convey your attitude toward invisibility.

2) Must effectively convey this complex attitude in writing.

Please have at minimum 1) a typed copy of your monologue/poem, and 2) an accessible working copy of your digital project from one of these multimedia platforms. 

Bring your own device!

Tools to Help

MASHER - online video creator

Stupeflix developer - Free video with effects

Stupeflix studio - an basic version of the above


ClipGenerator - a seamless online short video generator

Here's a tutorial for the above Clipgen

SlideDog - Integrated Multimedia Presentation Platform YES it's FREE TRY IT!!!