Monday, December 2, 2013

Symbols: 1 - 4 due Tuesday 12/3, 6 - 10 Due Wed 12/4

Determine why each of the following functions as a symbol in HOD ch 2 and 3, then write a well organized paragraph for each  supporting your reasoning and cite specific incidents in the text as support (direct quote and page reference).

1. The journey

2. The jungle

3. Darkness and the color black

4. Light and the color white

Fog- In Heart of Darkness, fog represents distortion. It is neither darkness nor light, but in between. Fog distorts one’s views and makes it difficult to see things clearly. In Chapter 2, for example, Marlow’s steamboat is caught in a fog. Marlow describes the fog as “more blinding than the night.” (Pg. 40) He is unable to discern if the river ahead is dangerous or safe. Enveloped in the fog, Marlow makes an incorrect assumption, as he assumes that the natives will not attempt an attack on the steamer in the fog.

6. The cannibals

7. Ivory

8. The Congo River

9. Heart

10. The Flame

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