Wednesday, February 4, 2015

iPoem writing

How does the poet employ diction, imagery, and connotative language to examine the nature of temptation?

P1 – Introduction with a thesis
P2 – TS, CD1, CM1, CM2
P3 – TS, CD1, CM1,CM2, CD2, CM1,CM2
Concluding Sentence

Thesis template: 

In ,____ (title of work) ________________, (author’s name)______________________uses ______________________________________________(tone word +) (literary devices used such as diction,imagery,detail,figurative,language,repetition,contrast,etc)________To_________________________________________________________ (reveal, show, portray, convey, or any other marker verbs)___________________the/his/her __________________ (author’s purpose, speaker’s attitude, characterization, relationships, etc.; must include descriptors)__________________________________.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Jessup please don't forget to write a reference sheet.

    Jared Martinez
