Friday, October 11, 2013

"The Flea" by John Donne - 3rd Period

Please post your metaphysical conceit (unusual parallel/witty comparison) here with a BRIEF explanation. Proof your comment for errors in word before you post!


  1. Donne compares the end of honor to death to show the dangerous temptation of fortification without an holy commitment to the marriage institution.

  2. Donne compares the loss of innocence that the blood has after being mixed; which he describes the flea as being guilty after this mixture, with the loss of "innocence" this woman shall have after falling into his seduction, as a since of guilty pleasure.

  3. John Donne compares flee to marriage and blood to intimacy in order to persway the woman to seduction, convincing her to loose her virginity.

  4. In this poem Donne compares the killing if the flea , in which the women feels has tooken her virginity because of the mixing of her and a males blood , to committing sucide .

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  6. Shaner Skyler

    Donne uses a flea to state the relationship between the speaker and his lover.He shows certain aspects of the flea to woo and persuade the woman to sleeping with him. The speaker restate the simplenessof the flee actions to convince to woman of the simpleness of sleeping with him.
